Category Archives: Uncategorized

In case you had any doubts, Apple really is only no. 3 in the smartphone market now

This information, known to us for some time now, has just been confirmed by a research done by a company called Garter. Effects of their research are available on the diagram above. It shows basically the same thing that IDC’s research had in the beginning of this month: namely, that Huawei has sold more smartphones in Q2 2018 than Apple have. Samsung still is the leading manufacturer on the market, even if it sold ten million smartphones less than in Q2 2017. Xiaomi and Oppo have bigger share of the market, too – could it be that Chinese producers are ...

Launch date of Google Pixel 3 unofficially confirmed

According to a usually reliable source of tech news that is Bloomberg, Pixel 3 will be launched on October 9. Event will take place in New York City, which is a change from Google’s usual location for releases, San Francisco.Google has seemingly timed Pixel 3’s launch well, as it will take place a month after the launch of three new iPhone X’s; enough time for the iPhone hype to cool down and to allow people to notice another device. Other Google devices are also reported to be launched along with Pixel 3, namely the next-gen PixelBook, PixelBud and a new Google ...

Oh, that is great; Windows’ new update turns off your PC permanently

On 10th August, Microsoft has released an update number KB4100347. Its purpose was to protect Intel CPU-using computers from the dangers of Spectre. All was fine, until, for some reason, the same update was released for PCs with AMD chipsets. After installing this update, some of the affected, AMD-using computers refuse to power up. You can press and hold this Power button as much as you like, it will not turn your PC on.Ouch… to all afflicted by the issue I send my condolences. The root of the issue lies probably in Microsoft’s servers – the very fact that the ...

Jacksonville shooting, two and a suspect killed during Madden tournament

The shooting took place in a GLHF Game Bar in Jacksonville Landing, at 1:34 p.m. local time. According to the unconfirmed reports, it was a result of an argument taking place after David Katz, 24, a suspected shooter and a winner of Madden Championship 2017, have lost a game (please remember that, as of now, this is uncomfirmed). The shooter wounded thirteen people, six seriously, and killed two, Elijah Clapton ”trueboy” oraz Taylor Robertson ”spotme”, after which he took his own life with a gunshot. As the competition was streamed online, fragment of the shooting ...

Dawn of the Living YouTube Ads

I am sorry to say so, but soon we will not be able to click through many YouTube advertisements. The platform has just announced that the content creators who monetize the ads that play during their videos will be able to choose whether or not their viewers can or can not pass the ads. If they decide that we cannot, well, we will not be able to – watch the ad or go home. This feature will go live this week, and will work on both new as well as old videos. Oh, and if you thought that the un-clickthroughable advertisement on YouTube is not grazing enough, much of it will be about how ...

Google Pixel 3, what do we know about it (spoiler alert: everything)

Google Pixel 3 may be this year’s contender for The Most Leaked Smartphone; even though the device is supposed to premiere on October 4th, we know its looks ever since June, and its specs are no mystery as well. It has come to the point where the Internet people have already created reviews of this smartphone, and honestly, why not? Since Google allowed some of its devices to reach the black market… We at IMEI24 will not go as far, though, and all we will do is to list what we know about this smartphone so far.– 5.3’/6.2′ OLED display (depending on whether the ...

Google One Paid Storage is now available for US users

Last week (so yeah, I am late, sue me), Google announced that the storage upgrade of Google One will become available in the US immediately; other countries will still have to wait a week or few.Google One plans are: US$1.99 for 100 GB, $2.99 for 200 GB and $9.99 for 2 TB of space. Already existing 1 TB plans will be upgraded to 2 TB free of charge. Plans that provide over 2 TB of space will have their prices unchanged. As for Google Drive, it offers the first 15 GB for free. Additional 100 GB cost $1.99, 1 TB costs $9.99 and 10 TB cost ...

World War 3, or the capital city of Poland gets it

First time we ever heard of World War 3, online shooter made by a Polish studio Farm 51, was in May, when we were given an eye-catching but not overly informative agglomeration of cut-scenes. Now though, during this year’s Gamescom a few days ago, Farm 51 has provided us with something much better, namely a two and a half minute gameplay trailer showing off the game in all its glory. It shows us much (hopefully not all) that the game has to offer – frantic, fast-paced on-foot action, environmental destruction (loved the way the tree was brought down by heavy fire, or how the ...

iPad battery overheating causes whole Apple Store to evacuate

Apple Store in Amsterdam, yesterday, 2:20 pm. Crew of firefighters from Amsterdam’s fire department arrived after being called by the store’s employee. The reason they were called was an iPhone smartphone that started to smoke, releasing toxic waste into the air. The device did not start a fire, nor anyone was burnt by it, but three people have been treated on site by the ambulance workers due to suffering breathing difficulties. While no official statement has been released, it is rumoured that the whole event was caused by a faulty iPhone battery that melted down. Whatever ...