Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tizi, new Android virus that used to steal data from popular messenger apps

As is often the case with Android viruses, Tizi spread by infecting popular Google store apps. If you wonder why the past tense, it is because the virus has already been contained, or so does Android claim. Tizi’s immoral activities concentrated on infecting the more popular messenger apps like Facebook and Twitter and scanning them for any personal data available. That is not all it did, though; it could also scan our calendar and GPS, as well as record our voice chats! Versatile little basterd…Android believes that Tizi was using vulnerabilities in older, pre 7.0 Nougat, ...

Real Time Activation Lock Status Checker – iCloud

Before you purchase an iPhone, iPad or iPod from someone else, make sure that Find My iPhone Activation lock is turned off and the device is ready for you to use.This tool supports IMEI or Serial Number of any Apple device that can be blocked by Find My iPhone application.Why is diffrent then iPhone iCloud Check (Activation Lock)?This service also supports Serial Number. Also, results are not stored in cache. This means that each time you check the device, you get fresh results! Tweet Vote ...

SMS is 25 years old!

Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear Short Message Service! Happy birthday to you! Twenty five years and one day ago the first SMS ever was sent*. It read ”Merry Christmas” and was sent to Richard Jarvis, the then CEO of Verizon, who received it on his Orbitel 901 cellphone (or, as we would call it today, a large brick).SMS has been worked on since 1985. Heard researcher of the project was a German called Friedhelm Hillebrand. It is thanks to him (because of him?), as well as thanks to the limited technology of the time he worked in that ...

Facebook may soon be verifying accounts with selfies

Facebook lately has, or at least believes it does, a huge problem with bots and fake accounts. Company tries many differet things to solve it. Latest idea of Zuckerberg & Company is to make people use selfies in order to verify their accounts. New system is already being tested in a small, closed group.How will it work? Simply. You know captcha, right? Different methods of verifying if the user is a real person or a bot? Typing numbers and letters provided, answering a question et cetera? Facebook’s idea is like that, except what the user has to provide is her/his selfie picture. ...

Google Sneak Peek Detector, or how Google wants you to know when someone is peeking into your phone

Smartphone is nowadays one of the most important, if not -the- most important, every day use objects in our lives. It is a great multitool thatnot only serves as a mean to complete multitude of tasks, but also holds various important information about its user. Browsing history, text messages,bank account info and more can be collected from our device if anyone gets their grubby hands on it. Still, many of those things do not require an evilhacker to take hold on our phone and crack its security – lots of info can be stolen by people simply peeking over your shoulder. To that, Google ...

Bitcoin is now worth over nine thousand dollars

Impressive. Price of bitcoin grows very fast despite many voices against it – for example Ulrich Stephan from Deutsche Bank categorically denounces it as an untrustworthy investment. Opposition does nothing to stem its grow, though, as a single bitcoin is now worth 9093,26 dollars. Is it a financial bubble, ready to pop at any moment? Or is it the future of the financials? I do not know. All I know is that, if you want to mine bitcoins yourself, you need to buy a very good graphics card and prepare for some solid electric bills.Spend money to make money, I guess.Edit, 15:37: Breaking ...

A massive hacker attack on Imgur has been unearthed, or How Your Data Has Been Stolen And, Three Years Later, Imgur Says Everything Is Fine

If you are Imgur users, you probably already know about it; if not, keep reading. Imgur has just announced that three years ago its servers have come under successful attack by an unknown hacker/s. Attack took place in 2014 and the company has only learned about it now, and only thanks to the help from a third party – namely Troy Hunt, web security expert and owner of the Have I been pwned website. Three years, huh? Either the cyber-thieves that attacked Imgur excel at their chosen profession or Imgur’s security, to put it lightly, sucks a*s.Roy Sehgal, chief operating officer ...

New Snapchat filters recognize meals and animals

Snapchat has introduced new options to the app’s filters. They allow Snapchat to automatically recognize objects on screen: meals, animals, sports items and more. Upon recognizing the object in the picture, filters automatically add proper graphics, as shown in the picture above.New filters are probably the last big addition to the old Snapchat. Company is working on a new Android application. It is supposed to regain Snapchat’s glory, much of it lost in the wake of Twitter. ...

Creators of Pokemon Go are making a Harry Potter AR game

According to TechCrunch, Niantic Labs, creators of the worldwide phenomenon that is Pokemon Go, are working on a new project, and it is a doozy! Co-developed with Warner Bros. Interactive is a game called Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Wizards Unite will be an AR title said to be based around learning new spells and using them to find and combat magical beasts and other powerful enemies. General mechanics may be similiar to these of Ingress, Niantic Labs’ first AR game.Clean your capes, polish your wands and sit down and wait patiently, Potter fans, as Wizards Unite will not be released ...

NichePhone-S, a miniature Android cellhpone

Original smartphone designs are well – otherwise they would not be original, duh. Other than BlackBerry KEYone and a few no-names, I cannot come up with a recently-released phone that was more than marginally different from its peers. Or, rather, I could not until ten minutes ago, when I heard about the NichePhone-S.What is NichePhone-S? A feature phone that happens to look like a calculator and be the size of a large credit card. Running on Android 4.2, it can be used to call or text a friend, play audio, tether or connect to Bluetooth. NichePhone-S’ specification is… ...