Category Archives: Uncategorized

Airbag for smartphones? Why not

The history of this device has begun on the dark day when hilip Frenzel, mechatronics student on the University of Aalen, accidentally broke the display of his iPhone. Repairs did not work and a week later the display broke once more. Instead of shedding a tear over all the beers that he will not be able to afford and buying a new phone, Frenzel instead put his mind to work to create a device that will help everyone to avoid such nasty accidents in the future. Thus, the prototype of Spider-app was made.The device was made with simplicity and functionality in mind (it was mostly made via a ...

A grain of rice is gigantic when compared to world’s smallest computer

American scientists… no, seriously, bear with me. A group of engineers from the University of Michigan have created a 0.3mm computer that can measure temperature. Well, ”computer” is probably too big of a word, pun totally intended – this device has no long term memory and loses all of its data upon losing power. Fact is a fact, though – we have a complete, working electronic device that is a dozen times smaller than a grain of rice.This device will be used to measure temperature in extremely little objects, e.g. a group of cells inside a body. It might prove ...

”Your Time On Facebook” will tell you the horrible truth…

… of how much time are you spending on the platform. This new, officially confirmed by the company feature will tell you how much time have you spent on FB in the last seven days. It will also show the average per day time that you were logged in. Another feature of this, erm, feature will be an option to set a timer to let us know when we have been on Facebook for too long.”Your Time On Facebook” is probably a part of Zuckerberg’s plan to make sure that people’s time on his website is ”well spent”. He is not the only one, too, as both YouTube, ...

Instagram reaches 1 billion monthly users. Congrats, we are now officially married to social media

Or at least way too many of us are. While users number of Facebook and Snapchat stagnate, Instagram is seeing a radical increase in usage, passing the 800 million users recorded in September 2017, ten months ago. Snapchat’s daily user grow in Q1 has only been 2.13% and Facebook’s has been 3.14% – Snapchat’s, un turn, reached almost 5%. Instagram’s rapidly growing popularity might be the reason for the platform to kick off IGTV, video hub that is supposed to rival YouTube. I do not see this happening but good luck! It is not like Instagram itself is not a gold ...

Bose Sleepbuds – $250 headset that you cannot listen to music with

Sound overdose is one of the problems of these days’ First World. We are surrounded by sound, overwhelmed by it – cars, people, smartphones, radios and TVs, they all produce high quantities of sound that assaults our poor receptors. Bose company took notice of that issue and responded – and made some money – by producing Bose Sleepbuds.Bose Sleepbuds are pretty standard, if well made, noise stoppers. Their function is to make sure that we have a good night’s rest by insulating our ears from the ouside. This outside noise is deafened by a variety of white noise ...

Good old new Diablo returns?

In a way! Making the long story short, here is how it happened: programmer going by the nickname GalaXyHaXz has found online a bunch of tools that allowed him to analyze old Diablo 1. Thanks to them he has reverse-engineered the game, which rewarded him with the game’s source code. With source code in hand, GalaXyHaXz went to GitHub and put there a compiling, working (as long as you have proper game data files) copy of Diablo 1 that he called Devilution. Programmer has also put the game’s source code online, which means that it can not only be downloaded now, but also modded ...

Jokes aside – paid Facebook arrives

Zuckerberg may have been telling both the Europarlament and the US Senate that Facebook will never be a paid platform, but his actions speak louder; FB is currently testing methods of monetizing the group content on its platform. Paid groups are nothing new on FB, but they have been existing in a state of a, how to put it, freestyle. Groups administration had to come up with 3rd party ways and means for the group members to pay their fees. What Zuckerberg’s platform is working on is creating a single, in-platform method for the groups administration to gather fees from their users ...

YouTube Music is now available in twelve more countries

After yesterday’s update, YT Music service has reached twelve more countries; it is now available in seventeen countries around the world: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Mexico, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The early access period of the feature has officially ended. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Australia – Telstra is down

Oh my! According to Nine News, Telstra has officially acknowledged that its services are temporarily interrupted, with both mobile and stationary users being affected. The company does not know when will the issue be fixed. According to Telstra, there is no issue with 3G and 4G, but a large number of complaints online suggests otherwise. Tweet Vote on HN ...