Category Archives: Uncategorized

Someone tried to get the US president

A letter each have been sent to the admiral, secretary of defense and the president of the United States of America. Each one of them was laced with castor oil, a strong and easy to make poison. We do not know the sender of the letters, nor do we know his, her or their motivations. It is not the first time when someone tried to kill the president of the United States with a letter; even Barack Obama received such mail. All the earlier attempts at this method of killing was unsuccessful, foiled by the special team of men selected to carefully examine every letter coming to either the White ...

Chromecast 3 out before it is out. Kind of

Google has yet to release Chromecast 3 (October 9th), but it can be bought anyway – or at least one of the customers of the american Best Buy store managed to do so. We do not know all the details of this story; as far as we know, the customer ordered Chromecast 2 and then Best buy mistakenly sent her/him the newest device. Someone in the packaging sector was probably sleepy.As for the device itself, all we know is what the abovementioned customer revealed online.:– gleaming plastic instead of the matte black of Chromecast 2,– lack of magnetic joints for connecting to HDMI ...

Do you like playing Mario Kart? Would you like to make yourself a go-kart just like one from there? Better think twice, or Nintendo lawyers will bust your a…

Looks great, no? Last year, a group of honest-to-god cool guys from MariCar company have begun to offer a somewhat atypical go-kart rides services. Why atypical? Because MariCar stylized its go-karts as vehicles from Mario Kart video game, and even offered drivers costumes of Mario characters. Sadly, Nitendo came to the conclusion that MariCar’s services infringe their copyrights and their lawyers took the humble go-karters to court. As sad as it is, it is hard to blame Nintendo – MariCart’s name and the way they stylized their services would be hard to mistake for ...

LineageOS 15.1 Oreo is now available for a number of smartphones

LineageOS, the arguably most popular of custom Android ROMs, has its Oreo build released a few months ago. Ever since then, new phones’ support has been methodically added to it. Today, the list has grown with a good bunch of new devices: ZTE Axon 7, AT&T LG G2, International LG G2, T-Mobile LG G2, ZUK Z1, Canadian LG G2, Xiaomi Redmi 3S/3X and Xiaomi Redmi 4/4X. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Former Facebook moderator sues her company, or ”I have seen too much”

Have you ever wondered what is it like to work as a mod on a popular social website? I have not, but if I were to believe Selena Scott, a former Facebook employee, it is no cakewalk. Miss Scott has sued her ex-employers after she allegedly developed PTSD from the illicit content she had to moderate in her line of work. This content included pictures of graphic violence and abuse, pornography (also underage) and many kinds of criminal activity. She and her coworkers have reportedly repeatedly asked for psychological help and counselling to help with the trauma coming from their work and have ...

eSIM. What is it and how does it work?

First, a reminder: SIM card, which stands for Subscriber Identity Module, is a microchip processor with built-in memory. It performs a number of functions, mostly that of connecting with GSM network and holding important data such as contacts and text messages. A phone can function without the SIM card, but its lack only allows the user to call emergency numbers like 911. Over time, SIM card was changed into miniSIM, followed by micro and nanoSIM. The main difference between them was their size.Okay, now that we remember what SIM cards are, what about eSIM? it is basically just another step ...

They are working on an animated Diablo show. Nice

Oh man, what times do we live in… In the past, when I wanted to play the game I would buy it, install and play. Now they want me to play its spin-offs, read books and comics and even watch whole shows based on my favourite pasttime.Pretty great, is it not?One Andrew Cosby, writer and producer, has went to Twitter to write a post about how he is supposedly working on a Netflix animated show. The show is supposed to be based on Diablo, one of the beloved video game franchises by Blizzard. This tweet confirms rumours around a Diablo show in the works that have been going around for ...

”Look, our overlord Google is so good to us”, or Google will fix any Pixel destroyed in the Florence hurricane for free

This time Google plays a good uncle by lending a helping hand to the victims of hurricane Florence. If the elements have taken your health, possessions and close ones, do not worry – at least you will have your Pixel. Repairs will be taken care of by the uBreakiFix service. In order to obtain them, you have to survive the hurricane and then find one of the uBreakiFix shops in North Virginia or South Carolina. Repairs reportedly cover any kind of damage.I am touched, really. Tweet Vote ...

T-Mobile G1, the first Android phone, nears its 10th birthday

It was ten years ago, in the good old days of 2008, that Google, T-Mobile, and HTC have announced T-Mobile G1 (also known as HTC Dream), the first Android OS-based mobile phone on the market. While the device was not perfect, even back in the day, it did offer something that iPhone did not, namely an open, customizable experience – something that Apple was and still is vehemently against. T-Mobile G1 included a pre-installed Android Market, native apps for Gmail and Maps and option to download music via Amazon. If any of these apps did not work, though, you were out of luck, as Google ...