Category Archives: Uncategorized

They are making an app that will help you quit smoking

Zero Quit Kit is a set of items created by Ro that is supposed to help those addicted to nicotine to give up their addition. It contains bupropion, which is a medicine that quenches nicotine cravings, nicotine gum and, interestingly, an app that allows one to track their no-smoking progress as well as enables counseling with Ro physicians. Obtaining the kit does not come fast nor cheap, though; first you have to participate in a $15 online consultation, and then buy a kit per month for $129 each. Still cheaper than smoking, I ...

SpaceX will be taking its first customer

Yusaku Maezawa, Japanese buisnessman and creator of Start Today and Zozotown companies, will be the first person to take flight into space aboard SpaceX’ tourist spaceship. Japanese billionaire has bought out all seats available on the ship and plans on having a number of artists join him in the journey. Personally I would rather take my parents, but perhaps Maezawa does not like his. We do not know how much money did Mr. Yusaku pay for his ticket into space, but the sum must have been considerate – his fortune is estimated to be worth 2.9 billion USD. The flight is planned on ...

Haterick, or the best way to spend your time online

Polish studio RinoApps has hit a jackpot (at least among Poles – we love to complain) when they created this portal. Haterick is a mobile app the whole point of which is to create an online space for all us haters to, well, hate. The topic of hatred does not matter – music today is crap, construction works are too loud, summer is already ending, America is not great anymore, everything is fair game on Haterick. While Haterick has been created with them complaining Poles in mind, every nationality is welcome, so come along and hate with ...

School kid arrested for killing zombies at school

The Walking Dead: Our World is a mobile game that is basically Pokemon GO with zombies. Player’s avatar travels the Google Maps-based game world along with the player him/herself and fights zombies, alone or in the company of other players. Today’s story begun when an 18-years old student from Indiana, USA, has uploaded a gameplay video of the game. Part of the video depicts the player’s avatar entering school and killing zombies on the school corridors… Yeah, you can probably see here this is going. Police has quickly found the video online, quickly assumed that it ...

Facepalm, or how over one hundred thousand people downloaded app that supposedly increases their RAM

According to a research by ESET, well over 100 thousand smartphone users are idiots. Harsh, but there is no other explanation for the fact that that many people have downloaded a software program believing that it will somehow transmutate their mobile devices into having more RAM memory. This app is a joke at best an a malignant nest of blackware at worst. Oh well – if people can believe that a fan app will let them cool their faces on a hot day… Tweet Vote on HN ...

Google is fighting child pornography

Google is working on artificial inteligence specialized in seeking out child pornography online. According to its creators, this AI increases the probability of finding that illegal (and disgusting) content in the Internet by an impressive 700%. Its performance is based on neural network, which (somehow) means that the number of people required to verify its decisions is minimal. Sounds a bit like Skynet, but I cannot disapprove of the tool used in such a cause. Google has given this AI to its business partners and on-governmental organizations for ...

New Google Pixel 3 XL leaked

That is a kind of leak that I enjoy; the one that almost literally ”fell off the truck”. An unknown Lyft passenger has left her or his smartphone inside the car. When the driver found the device, they first thought it to be Pixel 2 XL, but upon further inspection it was realized that it was a pre-production Pixel 3 XL. Well, someone is going to lose their job… at least the driver has, reportedly, managed to return the smartphone to its owner.Pictures, while nice, do not show anything new about Google’s upcoming device. ...

John Frank, vice-president of Microsoft, will show up on CYBERSEC conference in Poland

CYBERSEC is a cyclically convoked conferention (ahaa, I did a Batman thing there) that concentrates on the problem of, surprise, cybersecurity. Experts and guests both talk over various issues regarding security off and online and create recommendations, implemention of which will increase the, uh, security. This year, CYBERSEC conference will host a pretty big name that is John Frank, vice-president of Microsoft responsible for Digital Trust and Security. Other names on the conference include Melissa Hathaway, Antonio Missiroli and Enda Conway.Event will take place in October in Krakow. ...

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine for free!

In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war… Warhammer 40k: Space Marine is a third-person perspective action game made in 2011. Set in the grim world of the far future, where human empire have to stand against the alien, the mutant and the heretic, it puts the player in the role of captain Titus, member of the order of Space Marines, the most powerful soldiers of humanity. Along with his brothers, captain has been sent to the planet Graia that is under attack by orcs. There, Titus has to not only fight the bloodthirsty aliens, but discover that there is a traitor among ...