Category Archives: Uncategorized

Snowman in space, or how NASA published pictures of the furthest away from Earth object in space yet

American space probe New Horizons has recently sent NASA the pictures of a very particular space object. Dubbed Ultima Thule, it is the most distant space body found yet. The rather atypical thing, which official name is a ”contact binary”, has also been given a nickname ”Snowman” for its shape. It is placed 6.5 billion kilometers away from Earth, in a so-called Kuiper belt, which is said to be a collection of rocks and planetoids remaining after the forming of the Solar System.Of course, the above picture may have been fabricated, NASA is really a group of ...

Video of foldable phone by Xiaomi

Evan Blass strikes again, this time delivering us a video depicting an alleged folding Xiaomi smartphone. Blass himself has stated that he is not assured of the video’s authenticity, but who would pass such an opportunity? Worst case scenario, we will all get disappointed and go on; best case scenario, this is our first look at the upcoming foldable smartphone by Xiaomi. The device, first depicted in its ”tablet mode”, can fold its left and right side, packing up into an average smartphone size. Objects on the display respond to this action by moving closer together, so ...

”Bird Box Challenge”, or the Darwin Award goes to…

Bird Box is the latest, and seemingly very popular, Netflix production (as well as a blatant ripoff of Quiet Place, but shh). Popularity of the flick with Sandra Bullock as the main cast gave birth to a brand new Internet craze. Called ”Bird Box Challenge”, its gimmick is easy to figure out – it has people trying to go about their daily lives with their eyes covered. Results are easy to predict, and I am pretty sure that any day now we will get some sort of a ”Bird Box Challenge Fails” compilation video online. I will gladly watch it.As long as the idiots are ...

Exploding phone killed its owner

The unfortunate accident took place in India. 60 years old denizen of a Netavalgarh Pachhli village went to bed with his Jio smartphone in his pocket. When he woke up at night to go to bathroom, the phone exploded – man’s wife, who saw the whole thing happening, described it as ”flames covering his clothes”. Injured, the man was hospitalized but died from severe burns.As much as death is no laughing matter, it is hard not to think that the accident was victim’s own fault. If the man did not sleep with his phone put into a tight and overly warm place like his ...

From now on Mozilla will show ads in Firefox’ home window

Heh, okay, yet another reason to not move from Google Chrome… In an attempt to stay afloat, Mozilla has decided ona move that might be good for it but creates a bad precedens for all of us – namely, it now allows advertisements to show in Firefox’ home window, as shown in the screenshot above. Ads will be shown on every platform, from Windows to macOS to Linux.Interestingly, the ads still do not appear on everyone’s browsers. Mozilla might still be testing this ...

Facebook Messenger’s Dark Mode undergoes testing

As reported by Android Police, Messenger’s Dark Mode is currently being tested in a select number of countries. That is great news for every mobile-addicted users who start their day not by kissing their significant other on the cheek or by getting up and doing twenty squats but by reaching for their phone and looking up the Messenger. We do not know which countries exacly are testing the Dark Mode, but US and Australia are probably not among them. We do not know how long will the tests take and when will the full mode become available to ...

Essential Phone sold out, no new units will be produced

According to what the Essential representative told 9to5Google in a recent interview, all units of the device have been sold out before the end of 2018; what is more is that no new units will be made. The last places where you may yet have a chance of getting one are Best Buy and Amazon. EP accessories will still be produced, but other than that, the company is supposedly hard at work on the next device.Oh well. One and half an year in the market is not bad for such a relatively unpopular product. ...

Starship, a SpaceX program rocket, might take off this spring

Elon Musk has come to Twitter to share yet another SpaceX news. As it turns out, Starship, one of the two rocket modules of the SpaceX ship, might go through its first test flight as soon as in April 2019. The flight will most probably not see Starship leaving our planet’s atmosphere; no space flights yet. Before the flight, in March, a tech preview of the rocket will take place. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Google has a sense of humour, or how Google Translation has muppets in its database

Google is known for not being 100% serious all the time. Their arguably most famous ”chillout moments” are Google Doodle, when their browser’s logo turns into various animations, minigames and such. As it turns out now (or earlier, if someone has already found it out), Google also likes to put its little jokes in other places. One of them is Google Translation, which seemingly supports languages as exotic as klingon, hacker or… bork bork bork, the language of the Swedish Chef from the Muppets. Chef’s language is relatively simple but also difficult to ...

Walmart will be safer. It will also spy on its employees and customers

Or at least it may have the means to do so. American market store chain Walmart has just patented a high-tech sound registration and analysis system specifically made with stores in mind. The objective of this system is to collect and recognize sound patterns in order to detect possible thefts – sounds like an item being hidden under the vest or comparing the number of cash register blips to the number of items put down on the counter. As nice as that sounds, such a system could easily be used in other, less innocent ways. You would think twice about talking in Walmart if you knew ...