Category Archives: Uncategorized

Far Cry New Dawn: new trailer is out

Hallelujah, the first real trailer of the new Far Cry is out. Set for release on March 28, New Dawn is next sequel (or a spinoff, like Primal? Difficult to say) in the extremely popular open world shooter Far Cry franchise. After fighting bad guys in various exotic parts of the world, from Africa to the US northlands, this time we will be staying on the American soil but in new, somewhat postapocalyptic, times. That is right, ladies and gentleman, Far Cry is taking us to the gloriously colourful post-apocalyptic future. What does this mean? Seemingly chainsaw guns, baddies with motorcycle ...

Google patented the design of Google Pixel 4

We will probably have to wait until autumn before we will be able to see Google Pixel 4 live, but it is today that we can take a first look at this upcoming smartphone’s design. Graphics that depict it can be watched here, here and here. The graphics present us with a few interesting bits of information: they show us a single main camera, fingerprint scanner and, last but not least, a nearly completely borderless screen. The design does not include, sadly, any specifications: all we know is that the smartphone will run on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 ...

Ghostbusters 3!

It is not often that IMEI writes about filmography, but there are some flicks that just cannot go unmentioned. A teaser trailer has just been released, promising us nothing else but the third Ghostbusters movie! The short teaser tells us very little, but that very little is well enough to give us some ideas about the movie’s plot. The sight of the Ghostbusters’ car hidden in some shack in the middle of nowhere suggests that the group has split up and ceased their anti-supernatural activities. The fact that the unnatural forces seem to manifest in the shack itself might mean that ...

EA has officially cancelled the open-world Star Wars game

More video game news, and more bad video news at that. Remember the rumoured open-world Star Wars game where we were supposed to play as a bounty hunter and have lots of fun adventuring across the stars? No? Well, never mind now; the project has been cancelled. Shutdown follows the shutdown of the game’s developer, Visceral Studio, the one responsible for the awesome (well, mostly) Dead Space trilogy. The game went through a bit of a turmoil ever since its inception; at first it was supposed to be a linear action-adventure similiar to Uncharted, then, after EA bought out Visceral, the ...

Hole in Fortnite’s security allows hackers to steal from players’ accounts

Fortnite, one of the currently most popular video games, is in trouble. Analytics from the Check Point company have recently exposed a major flaw in the game’s protection. Without delving into the technical details, it allows hackers a relatively easy access to the players’ accounts, giving them the possibility of stealing their V-bucks currency. Ouch… Epic Games is already at work to fix the issue. In the meantime, players are encouraged to use the two-factor authentication security; it should be enough to keep their accounts ...

YouTube is banning the ”dangerous jokes” videos

Various kinds of ”pranks” and challenges are very popular these days. You surely know what am I talking about: Spider-Dog, plank challenge, Bird Box challenge et cetera. Some of them are scary, others are funny (or both), but many of them have one unfortunate thing in common: they are dangerous. The best and latest example of this danger is the aforementioned Bird Box challenge. Based on the recent movie starring Sandra Bullock, it has people trying to live through the day blindfolded, just as the movie characters are forced to. A few days ago one not very bright 17 years old ...

Pwn2Own Vancouver, or how to get a free Tesla

Pwn2Own Vancouver is an annual contest organized by the Trend Micro data security company. Its goal is to gather a large number of cybersecurity specialists and have them compete against one another in finding out and fixing holes in devices and programs’, well, security. This year is the first one when a motorization category has been added to the contest, represented by Elon Musk’s Tesla. This year’s award is up to 250 thousand dollars as welll as a free Tesla Model 3 ...

Pokemon Go Hoenn Event starts today

Good news for those of you who keep walking and hunting for those cute bunches of pixels that are Pokemon. Fresh new event has just begun in the world of Pokemon Go:”We’re kicking off the new year with a brand-new celebration! Starting on January 15 at 1 p.m. PST and going until January 29 at 1 p.m. PST, Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region will be appearing more frequently in the wild. Plus, if you evolve Shroomish into Breloom during the event, it will know the exclusive move Grass Knot!”Event offers a good bunch of new features. Other than what has been ...

Xiaomi Mi 9 will support quick charge feature

Rumour is that Xiaomi Mi 9 will charge faster than its predecessor even normally, but if normal charging speed will not be enough for someone then it will also support a quick charge. According to what Lei Jun, CEO of the company, have said on Weibo, their new smartphone will be powered with even 32W chargers. Whether or not this turns out to be true, we shall see around the 2nd quarter of the year. Tweet Vote on HN ...

First pictures from the far side of the moon

China’s Chang’e-4 robot continues its mission to scour the Earth’s satellite, kicking dust and taking pictures as it does. The machine currently traverses the SPA basin, geological formation on the dark side of the moon and the one depicted in the pictures online. Lunar rover have met some difficulties in its journey so far – it had to survive lunar noon which ramps up the surface’s temperature to 200 degrees, for one – but so far the Chinese ingenuity has seen it through it all. ...