Category Archives: iPhone

A see-through screen – Apple now has a patent for a transparent augmented reality iPhone

Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, has been letting out hints at his company branching out into the augmented reality business. Now we can clearly see that these were not empty words, as Apple has just patented this tech. Their future transparent phone will allow its user to see the world through it, with augmented tech information (navigation markers, video game characters etc) overlaiding it.We know very little about the technical specifics of such a project. According to the patent, it will be using OLED screens. The hardware that is usually found on the phone’s front (camera, ear speaker ...

iPhone 10th anniversary!

It was ten years ago, back in January 2007 (wow, ancient times) that the half-god Steve Jobs announced first iPhone, a then revolutionary blend of cellphone, mobile PC and an Internet device. The CEO of the company, Tim Cook, has congratulated himself and the company for its hard and successful work and stated that ”the best is yet to come” is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our offer at ...

Incipio releases Kiddy Lock, a case for iPhone 7 that blocks Home button

An ideal case for parents with small children, Kiddy Lock is simply this – a case that covers the iPhone’s Home button, so that a child will not be able to, lets say, play with your phone. Sturdy, shock-absorbing material and a raized bezel protecting the screen allow this case to tremendously increase your phone’s durability in the hands of a two year old. Item’s price is $39.99.eng – is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our ...

Theater Mode, new mode of work in the upcoming iOS 10.3

Beta tests of the new iOS 10.3 are to begin soon. If all goes well, public beta will begin on January 10th, and the final product will be available for us in March. Perhaps the most interesting part of the new iOS so far is the mysterious Theater Mode. We have no information on what exacly will it do, but smart people theorize that it will be some kind of screen-enhancer that enhances the quality of videos watched on your is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, ...

iPhone message apps are threatened by a new malware

Some time ago I wrote to you about a video that, if watched, could freeze your phone. Now it is time for a malicious text message to ruin your day. Beware!! and also do not read any messages with a .vcf (contacts) file in it. If you open said file, your message app will become permanently frozen that neither a reset or return to factory settings will not unfreeze. Every iPhone sporting iOS 10.2.1 and lower is in danger. The way the virus works is, presumaably, that the .vcf file consists of such a lot of text that the message app does not know how to process it. Thankfully there is a way of ...

iPhone 7 Plus has a mysterious camera problem

According to BGR, trouble begun three weeks ago. That is when the site received its first report on 7 Plus’ camera malfunctioning. The issue seems to be in the camera apps; no matter what app, iOS or 3rd party-based, an attempt to make a photo ends with just a black screen. One of reddit users raported that he can can get a camera preview but it is highly polluted by green and violet artifacts. Supposedly, he is also receiving a warning about his phone overheating, even though it is perfectly cool. As of now, we have no knowledge of how serious and widespread the issue ...

iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak now available for iPhone lines 6 and 7 and iPad Pro

Yalu, the first iOS 10 and 10.1.1 jailbreak, is now available for downloading. The story of this jailbreak coming to be is long and not neccessarily interesting, so I will present you with the short version. One Luca Todesco, an Italian security researcher, used the information available from a recent, online-posted exploit of iOS 10.2 to create a jailbreak package that allows iOS 10.1.1 users to get Cydia working. Todesco’s work is now complete, and his jailbreak’s beta version, called “yalu + mach_portal”, has been released. Right now, the jailbreak is rife with ...

A significant leak confirms that we will see three new iPhones in 2017

A number of official manufacturing documents from Apple’s East Asian supply chain have been posted on Weibo. The content of these documents reportedly confirms iPhone’s plans for revealing three new smartphones in 2017. Documents mention three devices, codenamed D20, D21 and D22. D20 and D21 are to be upgraded models versions of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, while the D22 is to be a completely new, high-end model under the codename “Ferrari”. Ferrari’s features are to include an embedded Home button, wireless charging and a bezel-less OLED screen. The ...

South Korea wants to investigate iPhone 6 battery shutdown issue

KATS, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, is curious about iPhone 6s’ batteries shutting down seemingly at random. The organization is reportedly worried that this issue may become similiar to that of Galaxy Note 7. Two smartphone apocalypses in few months seems like too much, but you never know… according to Apple, the cause of the problem is that the batteries in some (few, according to the company) of the 6s’ have too much exposition to, quote, “controlled ambient air” (sounds dangerous), which causes them to degrade at a faster rate then normal. ...

iPhone 8 available in dual SIM version. In China

Screenshots of Apple’s new patent application have been uploaded on Weibo. Long story short, what they contain are ways of implementing dual SIM solution to iPhones. It is possible that this solution will be applicated to the upcoming iPhone 8 and iPhone 7s. If so, this would make models 8 and 7s first iPhones with dual SIM implemented. It is possible though that dual SIM variants of these phones will be available only in China. That is because dual SIM smartphones are a norm in China, and since Apple’s sells are getting low there, the company hopes to improve them by adhering ...