Samsung says it wants to be more eco-friendly

Samsung says it wants to be more eco-friendly

In order to decrease the amount of man-made waste in the world, de-clutter our bins and closets and generally make everyone’s life more pleasant, Samsung Electronics have announced that it will begin to replace plastic components of its products’ packaging with more easily decomposable and recyclable (btw, first time ever I use this word) materials such as paper or bioengineered plastics. Samsung’s plans include:- replacing plastic bags protecting its products with ones based on recycled and bioplastic materials,
– using only paper fiber that is certified by select forestry sustainability groups,
– swapping plastic trays for pulp molds,
– using unspecified eco-friendly materials for accessory bags,
– only producing matte chargers, which will not require plastic film.

As ecologically-positive as these changes sound, they may increase future Samsung product’s price. Gyeong-bin Jeon, head of Samsung’s Global Customer, have said that ”We are committed to recycling resources and minimizing pollution coming from our products. We will adopt more environmentally sustainable materials even if it means an increase in cost”.

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