New version of reCAPTCHA is being finished as we speak. It will automatically recognize us as humans

New version of reCAPTCHA is being finished as we speak. It will automatically recognize us as humans

Everyone knows reCAPTCHA, even if not everyone recognizes it by name. It is that annoying window at the end of many registration processes, the one that tells you to type in characters shown in the picture or answer a question. The creator of this little monster – a useful one, but still a monster – Google, has reportedly decided that reCAPTCHA is too annoying and have almost finished their work on the new version of the program. reCAPTCHA 3 is all about working in the background without being seen. The program can determine whether the applicant is a bot or a living human based on a number of parameters, like speed of typing or mouse cursor movement.

New version of the program is already publically tested, which means that it should soon officially replace the old, ”typing” version. Good, bad? Time will tell.

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