Back in 2014, a five years old Moriah Modisette died in a car accident caused by one Garrett Wilhelm using FaceTime on his iPhone when driving. While most normal people would admit their guilt and promptly see themselves go to jail, Moriah Modisette’s family turned to blaming Apple for not enabling any lockout features in the device. Their point was that it was Apple’s responsibility to put a detect motion features into their phones as well as make it so that some of their functions, like FaceTime, are disabled while driving – techology which Apple have had at the time but which was not implemented into the iPhone 6 which Mr. Wilhelm was using when the accident occured. The Modisette’s case was denied by court back in May, and denied in appeal yesterday. It is the court’s verdict that Apple has no ”duty of care”, which means that the company is not responsible for the way its customers use its products.
Good show, courts.