European Union fines Google for 4.3 billion euro

This penalty is so far the largest in the history of Google. Its official goal is to punish Google for its supposedly monopolistic practices, such as forcing smartphone producers to install Chrome web browsers and/or set it as a default browser in return for receiving the Google Play Services certificate. Personally I think it sounds like UE punishing Google for being good, but what do I know.Google has already announced that it will make an appeal. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Drone flew 300 feet away from a passenger plane, or be afraid to fly, people, be afraid

Air flight is statistically the safest form of transporation; this old mantra may be about to change, all thanks to the drone owners. One of them, a daring/murderous idiot equipped with, according to people in the know-how, Parrot Anafi model, has caught a video of an A380 passenger plane taking off from the Plaine Magnien airport on Mauritius, Indian Ocean. This would not be dangerous in itself if not for the fact that the drone was only 300 feet (91.5 meters) away from the plane – distance which, in air flight terms, is ridiculously short. I do not care to think what could happen if ...

Google Blobmoji wracają

Blobmoji, seria dygających-kiwających emotek zamknięta przez Google przy premierze Androida Oreo, wraca. Blobmoji są teraz dostępne jako „naklejki” w Klawiaturze Google GBoard. Poza tym, jak twierdzi The Verge, pojawią się one także w następnej aktualizacji Android Messages. Wrócić ma większość z setki istniejących Blobmoji, pojawić się ma też kilka nowych.Najlejki dla GBoard powinny już być dostępne do pobrania z menu aplikacji. Nie wiemy, kiedy wydana zostanie ww. aktualizacja dla Android ...

Google Blobmoji are making a comeback

Blobmoji, a series of wobbly-bobbly emoji killed off by Google at the Android Oreo release, are coming back. Blobmoji are now available as sticker packs on the Google Keyboard GBoard. According to The Verge, they will also appear in the next Android Messages update. Most but not all of the original hundred Blobmoji are to make a return, alongside an unknown number of new ones.Gboard sticker pack should be available already; just download the add-on from the application’s menu. We do not know when will the Android Message update be ...

Sony Xperia XZ3. Four lens

Picture of the upcoming Xperia XZ3’s photo modules have recently leaked online. Phone’s rear camera will be made of two 19mpx + 12mpx sensors. Selfie camera is more of a mystery; it will consists of two sensors, one of which may or may not be 13mpx. We will probably learn more on August 31st, during the IFA 2018 expo in Berlin. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Android Go smartphone by Samsung has received its FCC certification

Four different variants of the device have been certified: the SM-J260G, SM-J260G/DS, SM-J260Y, and SM-J260Y/DS. Other than that, all that the certification tells us is that every model will include a microSD slot.Expectations for the device include specs such as 5′ AMOLED display, quad-core Exynos 7570 CPU, 1GB RAM and 16GB storage, as well as Samsung Experience custom overlay. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Galaxy Note 9 wallpaper leaks

The author of the leak is a well-known leaskter Ice Universe, who uploaded the picture on his Twitter account. The wallpaper depicts back and underside of the smartphone. Elements that can be seen on the picture are headphone jack, fingerprint scanner under the camera and, last but not least, a pretty, gold-coloured S-pen.Samsung Galaxy Note 9 will have its premiere on August 9th. It will reach store shelves on August 24th. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Samsung Galaxy S8 from Verizon gets July 2018 security patch

Season for Samsung security updates is in full throttle, it seems. July 2018 security patch is now available for Galaxy S8 devices carried by Verizon. Software version SQS5CRF5 fixes four critical Android OS and nine Samsung vulnerabilities, as well as a number of lesser bugs. Complete list of changes can be read here. Update is available for both Galaxy S8 and S8+. In order to download it, open Settings and go to Software update menu. Tweet Vote on HN ...

Samsung is working on Galaxy J6 Plus smartphone

Files refering to an item codenamed ”j6plte” have been discovered by one of XDA’s contributors. This codename corresponds to the model called ”Samsung J6-Plus LTE CIS SER”. CIS and SER codes seem to implicate that the device will be released in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Serbia.We have no factual information about this smartphone’s specifications: Galaxy J6+ is rumoured to boast a number of improvements over the J6 model, such as Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 CPU, dual rear cameras and an 4350mAh battery. ...

We know when will Galaxy Note 9 hit stores

Galaxy Note 9 will be officially presented on August 9th during the New Yourk City press conference. That or next day the pre-orders will begin. This is old news, though; fresh news is that, according to South Korean media, Galaxy Note 9 will reach store shelves exacly on August 24th. Samsung has reportedly been considering August 31st at first, but opted for faster release after seeing a low sales figures from the Galaxy S9 and S9+. Tweet Vote on HN ...