USPTO has granted Samsung a patent for a new flexible screen structure. This new design will supposedly allow the creation of foldable smartphones and screens resistant to being shattered upon impact. How does this new invention look like? First, there is a layer of electrodes, then a dielectric elastomer film, (whatever in the world that is) and then a second layer of electrodes aligned on the other side of the bendable display. When electricity is applied to the both electrodes, it forms the 1st and 2nd electrode layers. Thanks to this, the display bends with no pressure being applied by the user’s hands. The flexible display’s panel is arrayed with a layer of plastic material with advanced heat resistance and durability properties.
Long story short, yeah, Samsung is working hard on a flexible display and bendable phone body.eng – is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our offer at