USB-C charger will be standard over Europe in 2024

As we have mentioned before the EU was working on a special type of law, that creates a equal ground for all charger standards in Europe.

The vote is over and the law has passed, which means that in 2024 the standard for devices in Europe will be a USB-C charger.

USB-C will be the standard for all mobile phones, tablets and cameras sold in the EU from late 2024 and the connector will be required for laptops from Spring 2026.

The new law will also cover a wide range of small and medium-sized electronics such as headphones, portable speakers, handheld videogame consoles, e-readers, keyboards, mice and portable navigation systems. Devices that are too small to have a physical USB-C port like health trackers and sports equipment will be exempt from the new ruling for now.

We cannot wait for the reaction coming from companies like Apple which has its own charger options.

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