Apple fixes the iPhone Xs charging issue

I first wrote about this problem yesterday, and today I am happy to announce that it has been fixed. Not overly happy, though... because while Apple did fix the problem, it did so in a bad style. Apple has just released an update to its OS, and iOS 12.1 beta 2's description is somewhat, how to put it, laconic. iPhone Xs owners were quick to notice, though, that downloading the update caused their smartphones to charge correctly. That is great - I am very glad that Americans were so quick about fixing such an important issue. What I am not happy about is how untransparent they were about it, as not only update's description does not talk about fixing the problem, but Apple never officially admitted that the issue was there in the first place. This time it is alright, I guess, as the problem was serious but but groundbreaking, but what if Apple will think it can get away with more and more and eventually stop telling us anything?

Let us know if you think this is a real problem or just ramblings of few men online who get paid for writing.

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