Five new models of Xperia Z6

As rumors say, the latest flagship models from the Sony company may be manufactured in even five variants, differing in size of the their displays.
Well, these are going to be models: 4-inch Xperia Mini Z6, 4.6-inch Z6 Compact, Z6 5.2-inch, 5.8-inch Z6 Plus and the largest screen diagonal of 6.4-inches Ultra Z6.
Such a solution is quite unusual, especially since the demand for smaller displays of mobile consumers started disappearing during the last years, certainly variant with a small (approx. 4.6-inch), normal (5.2-inch) and large (6-inch) display would be enough, as manufacturer was doing before.
The latest models will be equipped with surface reacting to a force of touch that is similar feature, which was used in the latest products from Apple, besides that all Z6 models will be equipped with 820 Snapdragon.

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