Hoversurf, or a flying motorbike. Yeah!

Okay, so it is not a flying motorbike as much as a passenger drone shaped like a one-track vehicle, but you have to admit that ”Hoversuit, or a passenger drone shaped like a one-track vehicle. Yeah!” is not a catchy title. Created by Hoversurf, drone/hoverbike/motorbike has been made with both extreme sports (imagine doing barrel rolls on that ...

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Bad smell sensor, or Yeah, It Is Japanese Again

First World has a large number of problems, and bad smell is one of them. No ones likes to enter the bus after a day at work/workout at the gym/spending a day with a boy/girlfriend with knowledge of being dirty, sweaty and probably starting to smell. Do not worry, though! Japanese have come up with a device that... well, that will not help you in any way other ...

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What to do when your phone catches on fire

Generally speaking, technology is made to be safe. No producer in the world wants their product to explode in its user's face, if not because of their good heart then because things like that usually make the sales drop bigtime. Still, electronics are complicated devices, and smartphones are not an exception. Being a relatively rare occurence, smartphones ...

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Really Blue Google Pixel soon available in the UK

Wow... REALLY BLUE colour... now I know that real blue is like, unlike the, you know, unreal one. Damn. Anyway, Google Pixel in an... urgh... Really Blue colour variant will become available for pre-order in the UK today, and will hit the stores on February 24th. The device's exact price is not yet known, but should be something between £600 and £700. Sim-unlock.net ...

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How to safely buy an used phone

Smartphones are not cheap. Depending on the model you desire, you might have to spend hundreds of dollars (even thousands, if you are particulary picky). With such high prices, it is no wonder that sometimes we find ourselves searching for a more cost-efficient way of obtaining one. One of them (pretty much the only one if you do not want to mug people) ...

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