Android 7.1.2 hits Pixel and some Nexus phones

Android 7.1.2 OS has already been available for some time, though only Google smartphones. Now, the update is slowly trickling its way to other devices: Pixel, Pixel C, Pixel XL, as well as Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P and Nexus Player are now running the newest Nougat. Android was never quick about updating its phones' operating systems, so I guess the owners ...

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Do you think that you may be addicted to your smartphone? This prosthetic phone will help you - or just make you look ridiculous

An initiative called Give Your Mobile The Boot has been started in Great Britain. The goal is to make car drivers realize, that using their smartphones while driving is dangerous and to encourage them to put their mobiles into the car's trunk (or boot, though I've never heard car's trunk being called that before. Hm) to avoid the temptation of picking ...

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Cagabi One, a twopenny smartphone

If you need a new smartphone, but your wallet's emptier than my love life, perhaps you should become interested in this one. Cagabi is not a well-known brand (first time I ever heard about it, personally), but perhaps it would be worthwhile to give it a shot, at least if you're interested in an ultra budget phone. - 1GB RAM, 8GB storage memory, microSD ...

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