Kaspersky vs. FBI

As perhaps you have already heard, there was a ”small misunderstanding” a few weeks ago between the American government and a Russian antyvirus creators Kaspersky. Kaspersky was accused of leaking information to the Russian intelligence, and the US government readily removed it from its list of trusted software deliverers. Losing a single, ...

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Android 8.0 Oreo - what is new?

Ladies and gentleman, it is now official - the name of the Android 8.0 is Oreo. Sorry, Oatmeal Cookies and Octopuses, you were close but no cigar. So, now that we have the matter of the OS' name out of the way, what are the new features it offers? Well, the ones we are aware of so far are: - notification dots. Similiar to 3D Touch, they offer a quick ...

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Probably-real name of Android O is teased

Android must have had lots of fun, keeping us in the dark about Android 8.0's real name. Still, all good times must come to an end... Later today, Android will officially reveal the real name of its new OS. Still, as you know, the rumour train has no brakes!, hence why the above picture. The graphic has been posted online by one Evan Blass (all hail), ...

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Essential Phone is out for sale!

Andy Rubin's startup phone can now be bought in Essential, Best Buy and Sprint, both from their websites and retail stores. Sprint is an exclusive Essential Phone provider in the United States. Every version of the phone is unlocked and supports every big network. Phone's retail price is $699. It can also be bought for $14.58 per month for 18 months. ...

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Google Hangouts having issues in the US

Google Hangouts is down in multiple parts of the USA due to an unknown issue. If you attempt to send a message via a Hangout, all you will get is a ”Message not delivered” notice. As of now there is no word on the nature of the problem and when will it be solved. This kind of glitches usually does not take long, though, so be patient. I am sure ...

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Yota Phone 3 renders leaked

Renders have surfaced on the Russian Facebook-esque social network VKontakte (because rusky cannot play with everyone else and have to do everything their own way). Their Yota Phone 3 is quite an original project. Its main feature seems to be dual display setup; phone has both a regular front screen and a monochromatic one on the back cover. Why the secondary ...

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Be careful about what webcams are you using

Do you know a company called Shenzhen Neo Electronic? It is a chinese tech manufacturer who produces, among other things, Internet cameras that can be installed in a varity of household items. Now imagine yourself buying their webcam and installing it in your child's teddy bear, so you can keep an eye on her/him even when away from home. After some ...

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