INKS, Apple's free App of the Week

As most of Apple users probably know, each week Apple chooses one ”App of the Week”, highlighting the application of their choice and making it free to download for seven days. This time the honour of being the App of the Week belongs to INKS, normally a $2.99 mobile game that is an interesting take on the classic pinball... I guess you could ...

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Private profile for ”real” Facebook friends

Most of us have lots of Facebook friends (I have ten, but I am me). These friends often consist of a variety of people - actual friends, acquaintances, coworkers and associates, teachers, bosses, family. Often we want to share something on FB that we would rather not have all of them seeing. Facebook surely noticed this First World Problem and decided ...

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Pokemon Go has a long way to go (ba-dum-tss!). Tsunekazu Ishihara promises myriad updates and new functions

Tsunekazu Ishihara, CEO of Pokemon Company, shared a few secrets about the future of Pokemon Go, the most popular AR game in the world. According to his own words, Niantic has so far only completed ten percent of planned game content. Interesting. Among the planned bazillion changes and addition, Mr. Ishihara counts Pokemon duels (finally! Are pokemon ...

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This is the end of anonymity in Chinese web

Just when a man thinks life cannot get much weirder... New law will enter into life in China on October 1st which will make staying anonymous online much more difficult for the Chinese. Chinese government will persecute all websites that will allow their users to register with nicknames and fake personal data. Persecutions are said to be mainly financial. ...

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Essential Phone is shipping out in the US

Essential Phone, the very first project by the ”rogue” ex-CEO of Android Andy Rubin, is finally out in the United States of America. Phone can be pre-ordered from Sprint and Essential Best Buy for $699, and it comes unlocked. Right now, only black model is available. UK and India release date is unknown. Essential promises to keep customers ...

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First problems with Android Oreo

Heh, I guess I have something to write about here... Android 8.0 Oreo is a long-awaited, Android OS, older or newer, are the main software of the majority of worldwide smartphones and mobiles devices. It means that Android has lots of responsibility on its hands, as the company always has to do its best to turn out pristine, bug-free operating systems ...

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