Bitcoin is now worth over nine thousand dollars

Impressive. Price of bitcoin grows very fast despite many voices against it - for example Ulrich Stephan from Deutsche Bank categorically denounces it as an untrustworthy investment. Opposition does nothing to stem its grow, though, as a single bitcoin is now worth 9093,26 dollars. Is it a financial bubble, ready to pop at any moment? Or is it the future ...

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A massive hacker attack on Imgur has been unearthed, or How Your Data Has Been Stolen And, Three Years Later, Imgur Says Everything Is Fine

If you are Imgur users, you probably already know about it; if not, keep reading. Imgur has just announced that three years ago its servers have come under successful attack by an unknown hacker/s. Attack took place in 2014 and the company has only learned about it now, and only thanks to the help from a third party - namely Troy Hunt, web security ...

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NichePhone-S, a miniature Android cellhpone

Original smartphone designs are well - otherwise they would not be original, duh. Other than BlackBerry KEYone and a few no-names, I cannot come up with a recently-released phone that was more than marginally different from its peers. Or, rather, I could not until ten minutes ago, when I heard about the NichePhone-S. What is NichePhone-S? A feature ...

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LokiBot - new, deadly virus attacks smartphones

Kaspersky Lab issues warning against LokiBot, a very dangerous trojan that attacks Android-based smartphones. After infecting the device it tries to obtain the user's bank account information. If it manages to do that, it proceeds to clear the user's account and then infects everyone in the user's contact list via text messages. If you try to uninstall ...

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