What to do when your phone is lost or stolen

Smartphone is possibly the most important tool that a modern person has on her or himself. It allows us to communicate with people over distance and has a plethora of utility that simply makes life easier (whether it makes life better is debatable, but certainly easier). It's our picture book, encyclopedia, newspaper, bank and mirror all at once. When ...

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Android P is here. Cool?

Android's newest operating system is now available in Developer Preview, for now reserved for devs and those with special interest (and, presumably, leverage in the industry) in Android's OS. That is nice, but should the ”common man” care about P? Not really, at least according to people wiser than I. Judging by what can be found online, ...

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My Tamagotchi Forever, or the legend returns

If you have enjoyed spending time taking care of pixel critters in late 90's and early 2000's, this is something for you. My Tamagotchi Forever is a remake - or a sequel. In this case it is just semantics - to Tamagotchi, a ”live creature simulator” released by Bandai in 1996. The game's objective is the same as those twenty years ago - take ...

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Google completed its HTC takeover. What now?

To be precize, Google took over the complete mobile division of HTC. Their job in Google is now to design Google's new Made By Google series devices. Ex-HTC team reportedly consists of high class specialists, experienced people who worked on devices such as HTC Touch and HTC One and not, as some people theorized, washed-up devs that HTC just wanted ...

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