Oh, look, Facebook f***ed up again

Facebook has just discovered a ”serious” glitch that caused all of our private posts to become public for a few hours. The issue has been resolved, but the damage is done - anything that you posted on FB between May 18 and 27 in ”private” could be seen by anyone. Content posted before or after this date has not been revealed. ...

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GO mobile game series is done

GO is a series of mobile turn-based logic games created by the Japanese company Square Enix; based on the already existing titles Lara Croft GO, Deus Ex GO and Hitman GO. All three were successful products, praised by the reviewers and players alike. There was an issue with the latter group, though - there were very few of them. Most people nowadays ...

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Facebook removes the special event reactions

Do you remember Mother Day's flower reactions? Last time we had them may as well be the last time we will ever see them. Remember the Pride Month rainbow flag? We did not get it this year, and perhaps we will never get it again. Facebook has officially decided to not implement these and any other event reactions any more. Why? No one knows, as Zuckerberg ...

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Uber wants to take us to the skies in Paris

Yesterday, Uber announced that it will invest twenty million euro (roughly twenty three million dollars) into building its first Advanced Technology Center in Paris. In it, the company plans to launch Uber Elevate, a flying taxi service. This video depicts the general idea of how will this futuristic taxi service work. According to tweet by Dara Khosrowshahi, ...

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First Battlefield 5 trailer is out

Battlefield series is alive and well, unlike some other multiplayer shooters (khe khe CoD khe khe Black Ops khe khe). After a pretty great Battlefield 1 from 2016, DICE, the creators of the series, bring us the first appetizer for sequel. Trailer starts as a cinematic, action-filled show based on game's engine only to make a pretty seamless transition ...

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New version of reCAPTCHA is being finished as we speak. It will automatically recognize us as humans

Everyone knows reCAPTCHA, even if not everyone recognizes it by name. It is that annoying window at the end of many registration processes, the one that tells you to type in characters shown in the picture or answer a question. The creator of this little monster - a useful one, but still a monster - Google, has reportedly decided that reCAPTCHA is too annoying ...

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Apple vs a class action lawsuit. Ouch

Macbook butterfly keyboards are delicate devices, prone to jamming and other failures; many people know it and some of them have decided they had enough. Seventeen thousand people have signed the petition wrote by a number of MacBook 12 and MacBook Pro 2016 users from the Northen Distric Court of California. They believe that their devices' butterfly ...

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