Good old new Diablo returns?

In a way! Making the long story short, here is how it happened: programmer going by the nickname GalaXyHaXz has found online a bunch of tools that allowed him to analyze old Diablo 1. Thanks to them he has reverse-engineered the game, which rewarded him with the game's source code. With source code in hand, GalaXyHaXz went to GitHub and put there a compiling, ...

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Jokes aside - paid Facebook arrives

Zuckerberg may have been telling both the Europarlament and the US Senate that Facebook will never be a paid platform, but his actions speak louder; FB is currently testing methods of monetizing the group content on its platform. Paid groups are nothing new on FB, but they have been existing in a state of a, how to put it, freestyle. Groups administration ...

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Australia - Telstra is down

Oh my! According to Nine News, Telstra has officially acknowledged that its services are temporarily interrupted, with both mobile and stationary users being affected. The company does not know when will the issue be fixed. According to Telstra, there is no issue with 3G and 4G, but a large number of complaints online suggests otherwise.

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Facebook ”memories” are getting a lifting

That is great. I cannot wait to remember all the good moments that me and my eight Facebook friends have hardly spent together. Mm. I must be an exception, though, since seemingly lots of people enjoy their FB memories. It is for them that Zuckerberg is updating memories with new functions. New, modernized memories are said to be divided into a number ...

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Elder Scrolls: Blades, or mobile Skyrim

Elder Scrolls: Blades is a mobile game taking place in The Elder Scrolls universe (also known, by the uneducated, as ”that Skyrim place”). Game's reveal trailer is available here. It can be treated as mobile Skyrim, but that does not really tell the whole story, or so it seems. Blades can be played in one of three gameplay modes: Abyss, ...

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Teenagers turning away from Facebook?

According to the research concluded by the Pew Research Center, Facebook is now more popular among adults than teens. While FB is still the reigning champion of social media, younger generations have taken to other platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube. Survey carried out amongst the people between 13 and 17 has concluded that, while 51% of teenagers ...

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Destiny 2: Forsaken, another expansion pack

Destiny 2 is a bad game. Yeah, I know it has a load of fans. It is not my fault that kids have a bad taste and some adults want to spend their free time playing brainless video games. Destiny 2 is now in the same situation that the first game was - basic game has proven shallow and unentertaining, so it has to be saved by releasing a whole bunch of expensive ...

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