Google gives a different option for logging into your account

If you have a problem with your google passwords, the company created a perfect soltion for you.

It is called passkey not password.

Google claims that passkey is a "the easiest and most secure way to sign in to apps and websites and a major step toward a passwordless future".

It all sounds great, but how does it work exactly?

Passkeys are used to log in to apps and websites the same way you unlock your phone: you can use a fingerprint, a face scan, or a screen lock PIN.
Thanks to this passkeys are resistant to online attacks like phishing, making them more secure than things like SMS one-time codes.

However there might be a problem a big problem as well if you use easy passkeys like 0000 or 1234.

If someone steals your phone and can guess this simple passkey they will get access to your accounts protected by passkeys as well.

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