Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese companies have been banned in the USA

Unfortunatelly we have some bad news for all Huawei and ZTE fans in the USA.

US goverment has just announced that they are blocking all Huawei and ZTE devices that should be availble in the USA.

The reason for this move is connected with the current situation between US and China.

The goverment claims that these products might be used to spy on US citizens and steal their data, which US cannot accept even if there is no proof of it.

Also what happens with the devices that are already in the US ?

The goverment wants to get rid of them as well.

You might want to start looking for some other phone models if you own ZTE or Huawei.

Xiaomi account unlocking for all European models for a great price

New Motorola devices will appear on December 15

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