SmartThings Find from Samsung is getting more popular

Samsung has been working for its own version of find my device.

Thanks to this special option, the "nodes" which are the devices supported by SmartThing Find has been growing in number each day.

Any Samsung Galaxy smartphone that’s registered to the SmartThings Find network can find their devices, wearables, or Smart Tags and help others users in finding their misplaced items. Samsung launched the Galaxy SmartTag and SmartTag+ that uses Bluetooth Low-energy and UWB (Ultra-wide band) to track nearby devices.

This way of helping eachother is great and shows how people can help each other with minimum effort and without any extra payments.

SmartThings Find works like this.

If a device or item with a SmartTag is lost, nearby Galaxy devices registered to the SmartThings Find network can relay the item’s approximate location securely and anonymously.

Device IDs on the network change every 15 minutes and is stored securely with encryption. The SmartThings Find app also has a tool for manually discovering unknown SmartTags that the user may unknowingly be carrying.

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