Samsung acknowledged the Galaxy Note 8 battery issue...

... and states that only a very small number of devices is affected. Last year I wrote a little article about some Galaxy Note 8 units having a nasty issue where their batteries went to 0% and did not work afterwards, even when fully charged. Well, reports of that problem have first surfaced in late December and it took Samsung until yesterday to officially acknowledge and address it. According to PCWelt, Samsung's response is ”Samsung is taking all reports of this kind seriously, we only received a very small number of customer inquiries that could be linked to charge management, and unfortunately we can only comment on the matter further”. Seeing how Samsung usually acts fast and decisive when serious issues with their phones arise (like the Note 7 fiasco), Koreans taking their time with this one shows that the problem is not widespread. Good for us, although I hope that affected persons will receive a proper fix soon. Speaking of which, we still do not know the cause of the issue. It may be a software glitch just as soon as it may be a technical problem with the battery itself. We will have to wait and see.

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