iPhone X considered to be the most fragile (popular) smartphone ever made

Do you know that feeling when you empty your wallet for a new smartphone, buy it, cherish it, show it off to all your friends and then let it drop on the pavement, seeing your thousand bucks investment go down the drainage? I do not, and I hope you do not as well, hence why I strongly suggest buying a protective case for your shiny new iPhone X. SquareTrade, an extended warranty service provider, has dubbed Apple's new flagship the most breakable smartphone in history. It was awarded a score of 90 out of 100 on a ”breakability” score, easily beating Samsung Galaxy S8 that has a score of 77.

Don't believe me? Take a look at this video that SquareTrade released. It depicts putting iPhone X through various rigorous durability tests and how it fails each one of them, ending up a cracked, scratched, loose mess. Want to repair your iPhone X after you broke it? Good luck doing it yourself, and you will have to pay Apple a hefty sum to do it for you (smartphone's warranty does not cover accidents, although the special extended warranty does - again though, that costs).

SquareTrade's final verdict is that iPhone X is the ”most breakable, highest-priced, most expensive to repair iPhone, ever”. Of course, seeing how it is in SquareTrade's interest to make you feel unsafe and obtain their high-priced warranty, the company might be overexaggerating the issue juuuust a tiny bit.

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