Your heart holds the key to the future of mobile security

If you thought that unlocking your phone with your pretty face is high-tech, get a load of this. A group of researchers is working on a method of unlocking devices with just your heart, or rather its size and shape. It will require your phone to be equipped with a miniaturized version of a low-level Doppler radar which will scan your heart's dimensions. If your heart is in the right place (ha!), your phone will unlock automatically. It is said that the unlock will work over a pretty long range, too, up to 100 feet.

Researchers (I do not know the group's name, sorry) believe that this method of security will be useful in other places than your smartphone, like in PCs or even airport gates. What do you think about it? It does not sound like it invades one's privacy anymore than taking a fingerprint scan does. Let me know what your opinion is.

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