China bans Winnie the Pooh from the Internet. For a day

Yeah, Internet in China. We have all heard the stories of Chinese government blocking content that it deems unfit for its citizens. Facebook? No dice. Twitter? Please. Any information that puts the government in a bad light? You are just asking for trouble. Well, now it seems that a very special bear has been, just for a day, a number One enemy of the Chinese government.

Someone on Weibo (basically a Chinese Twitter) took it upon him/herself to create a meme comparing Chinese President Xi Jinping and former US president Barack Obama. The picture went viral fast (do not ask me why, I don't see anything funny about it), and the government's response was only slightly slower (ditto, I don't see anything funny about it). For nearly twenty four hours, any and all images of Winnie the Pooh were taken off the Internet in China. If you were in China and a fancy struck you to, say, read Winnie the Pooh online, you were out of luck, as you would find no results online.

After a day, the ban has been lifted, returning Pooh to the happy Chinese citizen across the country. Some believe that the government's ire can be explained by the meme's timing; it surfaced right before the an important conference held by CBS, the ruling party. Personally though I just think that Chinese politicians are douches. What do you think?

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