Alexa AI launched on the US HTC U11 smartphones. Yaay

Better late than never! Sorry for not reporting this yesterday - I was struck with the worst case of stomach ache imaginable. Anyway! Yesterday, on Monday 17th, AI assistant Alexa has become available on every HTC U11 phone in the United States of America. Smartphone Alexa is reported to retain most of its Echo smart speaker functions and have a few of its own, allowing you to set timers and alarms, order items from Amazon (well duh) and more. What smartphone Amazon cannot do is make phone calls and sending text messages - you'll have to do it yourself.

German and United Kingdoms HTC U11 owners will have to wait for their Alexa update until the end of summer.

Essential Phone will arrive in the UK later this year?

Another leaked render of Samsung Galaxy S8 Active, phone said to launch soon

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