Essential Phone will arrive in the UK later this year?

Not only there, but also in the rest of Western Europe and even Japan. Financial Times news source believes that Essential has held talks with some of the Great Britain's networks over an ”exclusive deal”, similiar to the talks the company has held in the US. Speaking of the United States, Niccolo de Masi, chief operating officer of Essential, stated that Essential's launch in the US is, quote, ” imminent”. Make of it what you will.

Just as a reminder, Essential Phone is an upcoming, highly hyped device from the hands of Andy Rubin, an ex-CEO of Android. EP is marketed as a phone for ”trend setters and technology seekers”. This is what we know of device's specification thus far:

- 5.71' Edge to Edge display,
- dual 13mpx main cameras,
- titanium & ceramic build,
- modular support.

Essential Phone's US price is said to be $699.

A number of Rogers branded phones will be getting updates tomorrow

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