Are you in panic? Relax, Android is here to help...

Often we find ourselves in a situation when we want to leave a website or application at once. Perhaps we have accidentally entered on the wrong website and are being invaded by malware; maybe our teacher caught us playing Fruit Ninja in class; maybe our little brother looked over our shoulder just when we loaded this juicy XXX clip. Whatever the exact situation, every now and then we just want to quit whatever we are doing on our phone Right Goddamn Now. Android understands this need, hence why ever since the latest Android 7.1 Nougat update it has enabled a function called panic detection.

Panic detection notices the speed and frequency with which you press your phone's Back button. If program believes that the sudden increase in both is caused by your wish to get out of the website/app you are in, it will automatically quit it, returning you back to the home window.

I like this idea very much. Panic button seems to be one of those little things that can significantly improve one's smartphone experience. After all, nobody wants to catch a nasty virus, right? Or have their siblings talk about their latest secret perverted fantasy :D.

Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) just received an update in Europe

Xperia X Performance and XZ are getting their July 2017 security update

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