Petya - newest and meanest ransomware attacks Europe

Watch out! Unknown group of hackers (it is speculated that the group is based in Russia) has created an effective and difficult to beat computer virus that quickly spreads over Europe. Originally only a number of Russian and Ukrainian companies and facilities, like Russian Rosneft and Boryspil airfield in Ukraine were targeted, but the virus has soon made its way to Romania, Norway, Poland, Great Britain and other European countries. Petya is a highly advanced ransomware virus. It works by locking access to the user's computer, returning it only after the hackers receive a steep ransom.

General public has nothing to worry about, at least not directly. So far, Petya has been mostly attacking companies - best potential sources of income for its creators. Still, attacks on personal computers have happened. I suggest making sure that your Windows or other OS you are using is up to date. You should also consider getting good antivirus software. No one likes this kind of expense, I know, but it is better safe than sorry.

Hrm... now I will be coming back home worried that my computer is attacked. Damn.

Update: something similiar seems to be happening in the United States as we speak. For more information, check out our newest news.

Update 2: Means of protection against Petya have been found! Read our newest article and learn a simple way in which you can secure your computer.

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