Gymder - Tinder for Athletes

Eew... so, yeah. First there was Tinder, a dating app that ended up being a way to find people to have sex with. Then there was Grindr, doing the same thing but for men only. Then... okay, by now there are dozens of dating apps. This one, though, may take the cake in the Bizarre and Unneccessary competition. Gymder advertises itself as an app for finding gym-mates, people you can exercise together with, but come on... you do not do that and then slap the ”Tinder for Athletes” slogan on your product. The app itself is a pretty little piece of stalker technology, as it shows you a GPS map with every nearby Gymder user on it - even showing them, and yourself, when not using the app (”Hey, bae, I hear you like to exercise...what? Oh, yes, I know I'm coming to your home at 21 o'clock, what's wrong with that”).

Sounds creepy? To me, it totally does. I mean, just watch this trailer and try not to get creeped out at the guy oggling the woman as she does sit-ups. Ugh... enough said, right?

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