Samsung's Bixby AI is going official

In a very detailed blog post, Samsung has officially announced the coming of its artificial assistant called Bixbi. For full disclosure of all info available, please check the link provided. If you want a quick roundup of what is known about Bixby, continue reading.

Samsung's post has concentrated on three ways in which Bixby AI will be better than its competition. These ways are: completeness, context awareness and cognitive tolerance. Completeness is, reportedly, about Bixby being useful in any kind of situation, being applicable to every task (it probably will not make you a sandwich, but it may give you a tip on how to make one yourself, you lazy bum). Context awareness means that Bixby will understand what is the user doing with the phone, and try to adapt as to help her/him to the most of its abilities. Cognitive tolerance (this one sounds scary) means that Bixby will be bright enough to understand even the simplest, most compact messages. Awesome. Now you can grunt and moan into your phone instead of talking to it, and it will tell you where the toilet paper is.

Samsung maintains that thousands of engineers are working on the AI day and night to bring us the best product possible. Well, cross your fingers and hope it will be as great as it can be.

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