A few tips on how to safely and efficiently charge your phone

Smartphone batteries are a big deal now, and handling them safely is a big deal as well. Who wants their phone to blow up and burn down their home, like a certain, cough, phone from a few months ago could? No one, that's who. That is why (not because I have nothing else to write about, I swear) I deviced to share with you a few tips on how to charge your mobile device not only effectively, but safely as well. Here we go:

- do not keep the phone plugged in after it's fully charged. When you do that, the phone continues to ”trickle charge”, making sure it is always 100% charged, which causes the battery a huge amount of stress that wears down its chemical components, ergo, making the battery's overall life span shorter.

- if you really don't have to, do not charge your device up to 100% of its capacity. High voltage, again, stresses the battery. Better to just keep it up to, say, 90%. You will have to charge a bit more often, but your battery will live longer.

- periodic, less lenghty charges are better than plugging the device in and charging it from 0% to 100% (as stated above). Lithium-Ion batteries like it better if you not only charge them not 100%, but also when they do not drop to 0%. Try to stay between 10% - 90%.

- perhaps the most important tip is to keep your device cool. Batteries are quite heat-sensitive. As shown by Samsung (and, lets be honest, other phones as well), battery overheating can have devastating effects. A hot battery can literally melt your phone, which will usually explode and start burning. In order to keep your phone cool, never put it on top of anything warm (duh), try to keep it away from sun and never put it into tight, airless spaces like your backpocket.

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