Bad smell sensor, or Yeah, It Is Japanese Again

First World has a large number of problems, and bad smell is one of them. No ones likes to enter the bus after a day at work/workout at the gym/spending a day with a boy/girlfriend with knowledge of being dirty, sweaty and probably starting to smell. Do not worry, though! Japanese have come up with a device that... well, that will not help you in any way other than letting you know that, indeed, you do smell. Device's name is KunKun, and it is an invention of one Hiroshi Akiyamy, 43-years old engineer working for the Japanese company named Konica Minolta. KunKun is a pocket sensor that can detect diacetyl, ammonia and isovaleric acid, chemical components that create body odour. After detecting said odours, the device will notify its user (hopefully not by screaming ”Mr. Szklarski smells!”). KunKun will hit the stores sometime around Summer - just in time for all the fatso's around, like me. is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our offer at

Live photos of LG G6 have leaked

YouTube plans on giving up 30-seconds long ads. Yaaaay!

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