Taxi drones, or first passenger-taking drones will debut in Dubai

EHang 184, for that is its name, is a taxi-drone. Chinese-made vehicle has first been presented during last year's CES in Last Vegas. Now, a number of them has been commissioned by Burj al-Arab, one of the most luxurious hotels in Dubai, as a personnal transport for its guests. Drone trips will not be a family thing, unfortunately, as drone can carry only 100 kilograms of weight. It will definitely be faster than dragging on foot or by car, like the rest of us peons - drone will be flying with a speed of 100 km/h (its max speed is 160 km/h, but it was deemed too dangerous). EHang 184's battery will be enough to power its engine for half an hour, meaning it will be able to make 50 kilometers in one go. Drone is autonomous (duh, it's a drone), so it does not need a pilot. All that passenger will have to do is to get in, order a destination and... enjoy the flight, I guess. Like a lord. is a system that offers unlocking sim locks of any phone model. We guarantee the lowest prices and shortest waiting time. If you are interested, please, see our offer at

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