AirSelfie, a minidrone that will take pictures of yourself

I don't get the selfie craze. Where is the fun in taking pictures of yourself? You can see yourself every day, just look in the mirror. I would understand taking pictures of friends or relatives you do not see every day, but yourself? Well, I probably will not understand the almost assured success of AirSelfie. Made by AirSelfie Camera, AirSelfie is basically a miniature drone with a 5mpx camera implemented, controllable via a smartphone application. Time to take pictures of myself from new angles, yay! Drone will hit the market on May 2017 and will cost just a humble 262 bucks. Watching yourself is worth any price, after all. You can take a look at AirSelfie in action (as well as a myriad smiling narcissists) in this video.

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