Evil Factory, a new retro-shooter on Android

I remember, if barely, the good old days of video gaming. Today it is all about either sparky AAA titles, with graphics out of this world and same mechanics over and over, or indie games, which are so niche they all start to look the same. Back in the 90's, there was no triple A games, nor indie games. There were just games - you, your friend and Atari, Commodore, Pegasus or whatever ”computer” your parents spoiled you with were teaming up, putting int he cartridge and shooting up those pixels. Well, now we live in the 21st century, and apparently we have ran out of ideas for cool games, so we decided to play the old ones once more. And you know what? It works. Evil Factory is a love letter to the old shoot-em-up titles in style of Contra. In this game you, a character named Leo, are tasked with the mission of infiltrating an evil lair (laboratory? factory?) of mutated cyber-animals and blowing them up to bits. Yep; you get to fight overgrown, gun-wielding gorillas, giant walruses, very unfriendly penguins and more. You will be helped in your task by various items you will find on your way, like medic packs, ammunition, new weapons and upgrades etc. Developers have heard that you like to play 8-bit games, so they hid some cartridges in the game's map; when you find them, you can play an 8-bit minigame while playing an 8-bit game. The game is f2p with some in-game purchase options.

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