"Kissenger" - an over-distance smooching mod for your smartphone

Already a couple years in development, Kissenger is a smartphone mod that allows a couple - or two strangers, if that is what you are into - to kiss through the Internet. The device is a colourful holster for your smartphone with a plastic pad attached to its bottom. As you put your lips on the pad, the device transmits the sensation to the pad installed on your partner's mobile device (is it just me or does "your partner's mobile device' sound dirty). Mod works in cooperation with a Kissenger app that features videocalling, so you can see your significant other while you're e-smooching.

Emma Yann Zhang, one of the people working on this gadget, admits that the device is far from complete. The pad is hardly mouth-shaped, which, I imagine, breakes the immersion; it completely lacks any kind of tongue simulation and, last but not least, they want to build in a way to transfer your partner's scent into the device.

Well, uhm, erm, good luck?

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