iPhone 7 explodes in the user's face

It was a beautiful, sunny day in China when a happy man just received his prized order, an iPhone 7 smartphone. Joyful about having such a modern piece of tech, he started the device and begun getting to know it. Eventually, the man decided that he wanted to make a film with his new phone. The upcoming movie director played with the phone's camera, perhaps imagining that he is Spielberg or Hitchcock... and that was when the phone exploded into his face, hurting his cheek and fingers.

It was not, probably an attempt on the life of the rising sun of the cinema, but yet ANOTHER example of smartphone endengaring its user's life. Korean Samsung is still the leading producer of fragmentation gre... smartphones, but this is not the first time this month that Apple's telephone burnt, too.

The phone's owner has supposedly contacted Apple service, which brought the matter to the higher-ups' attention. Lets hope that this is the last we hear of exploding phones - otherwise, the subject will become dull and I will not have anything to write about.

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Is this the end for Galaxy Note 7?

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