Google faces a gigantic fine

There has been a leak of a document from an European Commission regarding its penal proceedings against Google. According to the Commission, Google abuses its leading position in a mobile device market, for which it may be forced to pay enormously large fines. The case is that, reportedly, Google has been repeatedly bribing mobile device producers in exchange for them applicating Google's software in their devices instead of that of other companies.

Neither the exact amount of fine, nor the Commission's decision on whether or not Google is innocent, is unknown. The amount of fine, if there will be any, will be decided according to Google's gains from its european sales of AdWords software, profits coming from Google search engine, as well as profits from PlayStore and AdMob app. That is not all; European Commission also plans on fining Google for using its search engine for an unfair advatage, favourizing its own products and services with it and purpousely neglecting other companies. The Commission may order Google to bring back the proper ranking of shops and services and to offer better promotion to the discriminated firms.

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