Galaxy Note 7 - haste makes waste.

According to Bloomberg, it is haste with which Samsung wanted to publish its newest model before Apple and its iPhone 7 that caused the issue. Korean company does its very best (or, in this case, worst) to outdo its main rival Apple, which made them issue an insufficiently tested product that so far caused over ninety cases of exploding overheated batteries. Bloomberg says that Samsung wanted to surprise the users with high-capacity batteries, and that they did - Note 7's battery is 500 mAh (miliamper per hour) larger than its precedessor. CPSC's (US Consumer Product Safety Commission) report suggests that Note 7's batteries are simply too large for the Note 7's size. The main cause of the ignition turned out to be a factory defect tha causes anode and cathode inside the battery to touch, thus causing overheat.

Samsung's financial and image losses may be the root of gossip about the company increasing pace of production of their newest model, Galaxy S8. All we can do is stay positive and believe that Samsung has learned its lesson and will only release properly controlled products from now on.

iPhone 7 available for pre-order.

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