Xiaomi defends against claims of loading adware on its devices.

The popularity of Xiaomi devices have significantly grew in the last few years, and with it did the controversy around the company. Xiaomi has already had to defend against several accusations of deliberately putting adware and spyware software in its devices. This time it is Thijs Broenink, a computer science student from Netherlands, who claims that he found pre-loaded adware on Xiaomi's phone.

According to Broenink, the "AnalyticsCore.apk" aplication allows Xiaomi to upload and install any app on the user's smartphone without the user's knowledge. Even when deleted, app re-appears on the phone and continuously checks Xiaomi servers for updates. Furthermore, the malicious app supposedly gathers information on the phone's user and sends it to Xiaomi.

Xiaomi's response is that "AnalyticsCore"'s purpose is to analyse date to help improve user's experience, as well s to ensure that no third-party apps will upload on a phone. In order to properly fullfill its objectives, app requires a self-update feature.

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