Snowden works on secure phonecase.

Probably we all heard about Edward Snowden - person who leaked calssified NSA files in 2013. (at the moment staying in Russia as political refugee).
And what about this "safe phonecase" from headline? Simple - it's phonecase (first for iPhones 6 then maybe for other models) which will monitor (and possibly block) signals from smartphone that can reveal its loclisation.
If you want to ask why than here's the answer: because airplane mode don't block all localisation signals like GPS and in some models you can still recive an sms.
It's project mostly directed for people that need additional protection from targeting like controversial jurnalists.
Now bad news: at the moment it exists only on paper ther's not even prototype of this device, we don't have any info when it will be ready or how we could buy it - because we can be sure thet some goverments will try to make obtaining it a hard task.

Sources: Wirtualna Polska (Polish) and Inc.

We know where will 6GB version of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 be avable!

UMI Max official

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