Charges for iPhone etui

From some time security are priority on world. And aspecialy on airports and other places with high risk factor. So let me ask blunt: who on Earth would go to this knd of place wit phone etui shaped as gun?
It turnes out that on London airport one such person shoud.
Ok, it was only case but what if it turned otu to be a gun? And this was terrorist who just hijacked plain? Would you accept "but I thought it was just phone-case" as an excuse? I don't thinc so.
And on top of that police in several counties adviced against using this kind of etuis and big on-line sellers such as Amazon and eBay banned sales of this and similar case models...
Use this example as warning - he is now facing charges on grounds of law against threatening words or behaviour to alarm or distress, he can also have problems for possessing an imitation of firearm in public.

Surce: phonearena

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