Camera in HTC 10

Till launch of the new flagship HTC is still just a few weeks, but the manufacturer slowly begins to discover some of its features. This time - photographic part.
On HTC twitter account information appeared on the photographic possibilities of the HTC 10. The company showed a picture of dual camera, describing them with comment "World First, World Class, Front and Back. You'll see."
This indicates that the phone will be equipped with an innovative solution that would probably be used in smartphone for the first time in the world.
In addition, HTC suggests that both the front and rear camera can benefit from this solution, adding that the cameras will be "world class".
Ultrapixels did not meet with too good reception by the market and now finally found its place in the front cameras. Recall dual-lense EVO 3D, making three-dimensional photos or unusual special effects, that offered the camera in M8.

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